A NURSERY in Stroud which previously 'required improvement' has transformed its Ofsted grade.

Staff at Bar Bar Nursery in Stratford Road have been celebrating after transforming their Ofsted grade from requires improvement to good. 

Inspectors from education regulator Ofsted visited Bar Bar Nursery on Wednesday, February 28.

At the time of inspection it had 74 children between the ages of 0 and 4 on roll.

The privately run nursery – which is one of three settings owned by its provider – is open from 8am to 6pm from Monday to Friday, with 17 members of staff working with children.

In May 2023 it had required improvements but now it has scored good in all categories - the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management. 

It has also scored good overall. 

Inspectors found: “Children are content and at ease in this welcoming nursery and show they have formed secure attachments with staff.

“Young babies are keen to explore the toys and activities and seek out their special adult for reassurance when needed or to show off their achievements, such as when they pull themselves up to standing.

“The manager offers the children a broad curriculum based on the children's individual needs and interests.

Stroud News and Journal: Staff at BarBar Nursery in Stroud celebrate its recent Good Ofsted rating“She makes sure that additional experiences, such as baking and trips out in the local environment, are arranged on different days so that all children have access to them.

“Staff monitor children's progress carefully and seek early intervention for those who are showing gaps in their learning and development.

“All children, including those who learn English as an additional language and those at risk of falling behind, make good progress.

“Children are keen to play outside in the fresh air and show they are developing their physical skills.

“Younger children practise throwing balls and climbing up the steps to slide down the slide.

“Older children enjoy running around and participating in circle games.

“Parents report that their children have made very good progress at nursery, particularly with their confidence and language.

“They say that staff know their children's interests well and support their next steps through the activities provided. 

“Staff have attended mandatory training and have a thorough knowledge of safeguarding and child protection issues.

“They have access to additional training that has enabled them to introduce new ideas into the nursery to promote children's development further.

“The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

“There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.”

In order to improve, inspectors add that the provider should ‘improve information sharing with parents about the importance of children learning to manage their own personal needs in readiness for school.

“It should also help staff find additional ways to challenge and extend older and more able children's mathematical development.”

Company director Sandra Barton said: ''The BarBar team and management were thrilled with their recent Good Ofsted grading. 

“The day went very smoothly, and the inspector had praise for the team and the behaviour of the children who were engaged in numerous varied activities throughout the inspection. '' 

See the report -  tinyurl.com/msh99ju2